Homeschooling With Hira Worksheets

Download and print free worksheets in Jolly Phonics sequence. In Jolly Phonics, we teach 42 sounds of English.  Some sounds exist individually whereas some are a combination of two letters. Here, you’ll get worksheets for the English alphabet, digraphs, long vowels, and diphthongs. These worksheets are free downloadable and printable. You can use them for your kids and also for your students in your online and offline classes.

Many English phonemes (sounds) can be written in one or another way. For some of them, we have some rules and for some of them, we have some tricks to follow to get the correct spellings. In this section, you’ll find worksheets about alternative spellings of vowels and diphthongs. If you want to watch a video lesson related to any particular spelling, have a look at the alternative spelling playlist in the video section of the website.

Free reading cards for kids to build fluency in reading are here for download. Download them and make a booklet for your kids so they can read these words and gain fluency. The cards include long vowels, digraphs, and diphthongs.

Consonant blends help in the fluency of early readers. You can find initial and final consonant blends’ worksheets here.

Get free printables of English spelling rules worksheets here. English spelling rules are crucial to learning to become a fluent reader and an independent writer. Here are freebies for spelling rules so you can have your kids practice them. If you want to learn any specific rule, find it in the video section of the website.

Find free downloadable printable tricky words/ sight words/high-frequency words worksheets here. .Tricky words are the frequently used words that are non-decodable for young children. Use these worksheets and board games to help kids memorize the spelling of tricky words/ sight words/ high-frequency words.

A step ahead in phonological awareness. Here, you’ll find free downloadable, printable worksheets for syllables count and syllables division rules.

Download free printable worksheets and board games for the spelling of numbers here.

Creative writing free downloadable, printable worksheets are here for you. Get creative writing worksheets for free for different types of writing. Free templates for the different genres are included here.

Free worksheets for English grammar for beginners are here. Downloadable and printable.